Tholos for funds

Unlock Your Fund's Full Potential

Safeguard Your Assets with Our Cutting-Edge, MPC Wallet – Blending Robust Security, Flexibility, and Seamless Access to DeFi.

Tholos is a hyper-secure, flexible, DeFi native wallet focused on bring you peace of mind when it comes to managing your digital assets.



Throughout our custody solution, market-leading security standards are implemented to give organizations comfort and safety when interacting with crypto.

Industry-leading cryptography

We use highly performant implementations for both EdDSA and ECDSA. We use the market-standard EdDSA implementation and a innovative ECDSA implementation that is more secure than common implementations.

Private facing

Tholos’s MPC vault is private-facing, reducing the potential for social engineering attacks as potential attackers are likely to have a difficult time gaining insight into the internal security policies of an organization.

Reduced surfaces of attack

Unlikely multi-signature wallets that have distinct smart contract iterations across a number of blockchains, our MPC-implementation reduces the surface area of attack for organizations managing assets across several blockchains.



Throughout our custody solution, flexibility is paramount giving organizations comfort and safety when interacting with crypto.


Whether you’re a new fund starting out or an industry-veteran our solution can scale to your needs.

Access control

Our roles-based policy engine will enable complex organizations to have the flexibility in terms of access control that they require. Coming soon.

An abstract illustration of intersecting lines indicating the idea that Tholos support blockchain dApps (decentralized applications).

Easily utilize 3rd-party applications

Natively connect to market-leading on-chain applications without requiring Tholos to internally integrate third-party dApps.

An abstract illustration resembling a flower, wind turbine, or propellers. Used to illustrate that Tholos is inexpensive to use.

Competitive pricing

Our sub-market pricing means that organizations can onboard and use Tholos without paying the exorbitant sums that have become common throughout the custody ecosystem.

detailed reporting

Our in-depth reporting function strengthens internal compliance and streamlines accounting/bookkeeping requirements.



Natively interact with the on-chain applications that are crucial to your organization.


Directly stake through on-chain staking protocols, putting your organizations digital assets to work.


Earn yield on your funds digital assets by lending to third-parties through the most liquid and widely-used platforms.


Engage with institutional  and sub-institutional borrowing platforms to unlock liquidity for your fund.

Yield farming

Safely interact with both new DeFi applications and DeFi applications that have been around for years.

How Tholos Compares




Free to setup

Natively compatible with dApps

Fully self-custodial

Innovative cryptography implementation

Ultra-low gas costs



(e.g. Fireblocks)


(e.g. Gnosis Safe)


(e.g. Metamask)


(e.g. Ledger)

Secure assets effortlessly with our industry-leading platform within the next 10 minutes.

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Secure, flexible, and access to DeFi

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